2019-06-06 at 10.19.07 AM
Window title
Systems Effects and Learning Processes – Diakron – Medium
App title
Google Chrome
Impact Areas

Aquaporin r&d and technology

Aquaporin culture and community

Aquaporin storytelling & aesthetics

Aquaporin partnerships, collaborations and network

Artistic processes

The art field

Scientific, technological and business fields

Impact Types

Alteration of practices and processes
Knowledge & intelligence diversification
New problem formulations and solution scenarios
Other perspectives and horizons

Internal and external community creation & diversification

Visualization & semiotic vocabulary
Societal awareness
Alternate narratives

Visitors to AQ headquarters experiences current projects
Network effects; unexpected partnerships and collaborations
Visible in non-water contexts via Primer


New context and institutional setting
Attention to alternate qualities
Proximity to concrete thematic context and problem/possibility areas

New institutional model
New collaborators and partners

New collaborators and partners
More expansive feedback loops

Impact Questions

Where does a problem exist? How is it formulated and made sensible? How does Aquaporin
delineate their impact areas? How do they gather, store and act on intelligence? What sources and
themes are of relevance?

What defines the borders of Aquaporin as a company? Who is part of their community, how and
why? What are the audiences for an emerging technology such as Aquaporins? What does it
mean to make a private company increasingly a public figure?

What stories does Aquaporin want to tell? How do they want to tell them? And where do they
want them to figure? What are the different audiences for Aquaporins project and specific

What surprise networks effects may come about through Primer x Aquaporin? What can it mean
for Aquaporin, to gain visibility in arts contexts? What effects can Primer have on Aquaporins
partners, collaborators and network at large?

What can artists use Aquaporin and Primer for? What value do they derive from engaging with the
site, company and context at large? What effects does it have on artistic processes to engage
with a context as rich as Aquaporin?

What are the concrete manifestation of a new expanded field of art, merging with other specialized
fields? What new roles emerge for artists in co-productive processes? What repercussions does
this have for art education?

What can scientists, technologists and business developers learn and use from artistic
methodologies and projects?